Bangor Parks & Recreation Department
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Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race 58th Annual Register View Cart

Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race
58th Annual

Canoe Race

Saturday, April 19th, 2025

TIME:   10:00AM Start Time
COST:  $50.00 Per Person - Now through April 1st (EARLY Registration!)
             $65.00 Per Person - April 2nd - 10th (Registration)
             $75.00 Per Person - April 11th - 19th (LATE Registration)

If you register between April 11-19th, your starting race time will be towards

- Registration now until April 17th is online at
  or in our office at 647 Main Street.
- Registration on April 18th is in OFFICE only.
- Registration on April 19th (Race Day) is at the starting line of the race
  located at Kenduskeag Union Church. CASH OR CHECK ONLY

Below are a few more details about the race...
- 16.5 Mile Race
 - Boat sticker goes on "Left Bow", "Bibs" go on front "Bow" of participant in
   the boat.

 - Three portages (1 optional, 2 mandatory)
 - Race safety personnel along entire race
 - Race Packets (Bibs, race stickers, Apparel & more) can be picked up
   between April 15th-18th

 - Awards will be held at the Sea Dog Brewing Co. 
 - FREE Chili, Chowda, and beer voucher sponsored by Sea Dog Brewing Co.
 (Bring ID & Voucher to finish line to get a free beer!)

 - FREE Warming Tent with snacks sponsored by Darlings Agency
 - Race will be televised LIVE from 12noon to 2pm on WABI TV channel 5
 - Any questions about registering or about the race, call us at 207-992-4490
 - NO REFUNDS AFTER APRIL 4TH 2025! Refunds up until April 3rd, will incur
   cancellation fee of $25.00!!

A Waiver form must be filled out and returned to Bangor Parks & Recreation
either by email ( or mail,
even if registering online a physical copy is required!

CLICK HERE for waiver form
This form needs to be signed by everyone in the boat.
Submitting the form does not mean you are Registered.
You must PAY ONLINE or bring this form with payment to
Bangor Parks & Recreation office to be registered. 
To see the map of the Race, CLICK HERE 

To see the 2025 Kenduskeag Stream Canoe Race Pamphlet, CLICK HERE

  • Standard Waiver/Registration Form MUST also be filled out and sent (e-mail: or faxed to us by registration deadline! All signatures MUST be signed on back of form. Fax #: 947-1605
  • An email will be sent a week prior to race letting you know what BIB number you are and what time you are departing the race.
  • Awards will be presented immediately following the race at the Sea Dog Brewing Company
  • Parks & Recreation reserves the right to omit a class if less than 4 boats are registered.
  • Important!: The Canoe Race Waiver/Registration Form must also be completed and e-mailed, mailed or brought to the office when registering online

Rules and Guidelines (PLEASE READ)
  • A minimum age of 12 years old with and adult (18+) in the craft
  • Minimum age of 16 years old without an adult (must have consent of parent/guardian if under 18 years old)
  • We will start 5 crafts per minute starting at 10:00 am
  • No alcohol or drugs will be allowed in craft (participants will be disqualified and may be banned from future races if found)
  • No assistance on portages from people, wheels, etc. Craft must be in the water at all flat water check points.
  • Passing canoes/kayaks have the right away both in the water and on portages.
  • Coast Guard approved, over the shoulder, correctly sized lifejackets are to be worn at all times.
  • Numbered bibs are to be worn OVER lifejackets.
  • Boat stickers go on "Left Bow" of boat
  • Any disqualified racers will surrender their numbered vests to safety personnel.
  • All racers in open canoes will use single blade paddles only. Racers in kayaks and other decked boats may use either single or double blade paddles.
  • Participants should not secure paddles to wrist or hands.
  • No animals allowed in any craft
  • Participants will be disqualified by the sweep canoe if they feel an effort is not being made to race.

Classifications and Class information
  • The Race Staff reserves the right to determine participant's final race classification.
  • All canoes will meet "ACA WW Open Canoe Specifications".
  • Open Class: For race teams numbering 3 or more canoeists or for a craft that is not classified as a canoe or kayak. This class is also for racers who wish to propel their watercraft with something other than a paddle. (i.e. oars, or setting pole)
  • Recreation Class: Includes ANY CRAFT sold for general recreational use In general, ABS, polyethylene kayaks and canoes, as well as aluminum, or wood/canvas canoes.
  • Beginner Class: No one person in boat has finished 1st, 2nd or 3rd in organized race in any class.

What to wear and other info
  • Rescue teams recommend that ALL race participants wear appropriate clothing due to the extreme cold water temperatures as well as cold ambient air temperatures.
  • Recommended clothing includes: a wet suit or dry suit, polypropylene fleece or wool.
  • Worst to wear: cotton clothing (ie: jeans, T-shirt, sweat shirt/pants
  • You may become severely hypothermic and require medical attention if you are not wearing the proper clothing.
  • Try not to bring keys, cell phones or anything else you do not want to get wet or possibly lose in the boat with you.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
   Log In
Open Class 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
For race teams of 3 or more canoeists (MUST ALL REGISTER UNDER 1 REGISTRATION)
or a craft not classified as a canoe or kayak
Examples:Paddle Boards, rafts, etc
   Log In
K-2 – Kayak 2 Person 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
Any 2 Person Kayak (Men, Women or Mixed)
   Log In
C-2 Canoe – Canoe 2 Person Experienced 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-2 Short – Canoe 2 Person (Up to 16’6”) Experienced 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-1 – Canoe 1 Person Experienced 
16y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-2 Mix – Canoe 1 Man and 1 Woman any length Experienced 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
K-1 Long – Kayak 1 Person (Kayak over 13’4”) 
16y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
K-1 Short – Kayak 1 Person (13’4” and under) 
16y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
K-1 W – Kayak 1 Woman - any length 
16y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
K-1 Recreation – Kayak 1 person – any length 
16y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
Century Class - 2 people / Each participant must be a minimum of 50 years of age 
50y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
Senior/Junior - (1 Adult & 1 Youth 12-16 year old) 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-2 Corporate – 2 people Recreation 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-2 W – Canoe 2 Women Recreation 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-2 Mix – Canoe 1 Man and 1 Woman - any length Recreation 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-2 – Canoe 2 Person (16’7” to 18’6”) Recreation 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-2 Short - Canoe 2 Person (up to 16’6”) Recreation 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-1 - Canoe 1 Person (any length) Recreation 
16y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-2 - Canoe 2 Person (16’7” to 18’6”) Beginner 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-2 Short - Canoe 2 Person (up to 16’6”) Beginner 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-2 Mix - Canoe – 1 Man and 1 Woman (any length) Beginner 
12y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
   Log In
C-2 College/High School Rec – Canoe 2 Person (any length) 
16y and up N/A Sa  04/19/2025
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Kenduskeag Union Church
$50.00 R, $50.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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