Bangor Parks & Recreation Department
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Sugarloaf Discount Lift Tickets 2023

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Sugarloaf Discount Tickets

Here is your chance to purchase discounted lift tickets for Sugarloaf for the dates below. Purchase your tickets online or at the Recreation Office.

Trip registration closes at 9:00 am 3 days prior to trip

Ticket pick up time on day of the trip is 8:15 - 9:30 am.
Please pick up your tickets at the
The "Rack" Restaurant Parking LOT(first restaurant on right on the access rd) at 5016 Access Rd, Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947 (Between 8:15 - 9:30 am)
An email and text (remember to sign up for our mobile notifications that are program specific... no spam) will be sent out to all registered with a reminder.


Adult Pricing:
Saturdays: $68.00 (January 21, February 4, March 4, 18)
Sundays: $58.00 (January 22, February 12)
Friday: $42.00 (March 17)

Youth Pricing (ages 6-18)

Saturdays: $54.00 (January 21, February 4, March 4, 18)
Sundays: $50.00 (January 22, February 12)
Friday: $40.00 (March 17)

If you need to rent equipment CLICK HERE

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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